Tuesday, August 01, 2006

SCA Documentary

Okay, so it's not strictly Irish or Ireland related, but it's a good brief introduction to the SCA that someone produced and posted to YourTube. It think this is pretty neat and I hope we can do a lot more. For a few weeks now, I'd been considering putting up a podcast on medieval subject matter. Yes, I know next to nothing about podcasting other than what I've been researching, but I think it would be a really cool idea to have a podcast for the things ppl would like to learn about or know about in the SCA. I have a bit more thinking to do on it to figure out how I want to handle all this, but I think it's doable. I don't mind recording my voice and putting together my own material for broadcast, it's just going to take time and careful planning. Guess I should also research to see if someone hasn't already done one, eh?

Anyway! The link for the SCA Documentary (which is only 10 minutes long, so watch it!)

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